Patch Day Drag

Now, these patch days we have every Thursday. It’s not always the easiest to find interesting stories and report on them just on a Thursday, especially as there is a danger that these patch days could be seen as a rest from the course (I’m just being honest!).

However, as I have not had all that much luck thus far I have decided to up the ante!

1) I have contacted additional press offices in order to aid me in discovering local stories. Also I have requested work experience in order to get a real insight into how a press office works.

2) I have a great story! — I’m not going to spoil it now but due to keeping an eye out, reading local papers etc, I have a real story of interest! (Applause). I shall be writing some copy and recording a voice piece on the story. I’m heading out this afternoon to get some interviews from people who were there. Bob & Diane…it shall be in Burli for you next week! – I hope you’re excited.

3) Although this isn’t entirely patch day related, I have used this Thursday to get into contact with The Student LawyerI am going to be volunteering and writing some articles for them. I’m excited! 

It’s only midday and it’s been a productive patch day already.

Maybe patch days aren’t such a drag after all.

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